09/2023: Investigation of economic instruments
The Federal Environment Agency has published the first part of a study in which GVM was involved. The aim of the study was to develop economic instruments that can be used to reduce the consumption of plastic packaging and strengthen the recycling of plastic packaging at national level against the background of the EU own […]
07/2023: Mandatory Proportion of Reuse in Transport Packaging
The German Association of the Corrugated Board Industry (VdW) published GVM’s study on the effect of a mandatory share of reusable transport packaging on corrugated cardboard packaging. The estimation was based on the reuse targets required in the EU-Commission’s proposal for Packaging and Packaging Regulation from November 2022. Here are the links to the full […]
07/2023: Packaging Consumption in Germany has reached its peak
At the AGVU Orientation Day in June 2023, GVM’s Managing Director Kurt Schüler gave a presentation on the contributing role of packaging on the climate neutrality target for 2045. Mr. Schüler revealed the results of a study carried out by GVM Gesellschaft für Verpackungsmarktforschung and the ifeu‐Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg GmbH on […]
06/2023: Study on the Material Efficiency of Packaging Materials
The German Association of Plastics Packaging Industry (IK) publishes GVM’s study on the material efficiency of packaging materials in comparison. The term material efficiency describes how much packaging material is required to distribute a unit of filling goods (e.g., in g of packaging material per kg of goods filled). The complete study can be found […]
06/2023: The Share of Highly Recyclable Packaging
The Federal Environment Agency has published GVM’s study on the proportion of highly recyclable packaging subject to system participation on the German market. In the future, the participation fees in the dual systems should be based on how recyclable the packaging is. Various fund solutions are being discussed in this context. . GVM has determined […]