
Here you will find news, events, and latest publications about GVM and our field of expertise.

09/2024: Presentation on the PET material flow at Forum PET at the IK

At the PET Forum at the IK, Nicolas Cayé presented the results of the analysis of the PET material flow in Germany. According to the report, PET beverage bottles produced in Germany consist of more than 50 percent of recyclate. With 97.6 percent, Germany also has the highest recycling rate in the world.

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09/2024: Kurt Schüler presents current developments in food packaging

Kurt Schüler gave a presentation on current developments in food packaging at the RePack cluster workshop.

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09/2024: Interview on the PPWR published in the Lebensmittelzeitung

An interview about PPWR with GVM Managing Director Kurt Schüler was published in issue 38/2024 of the Lebensmittelzeitung. In it, Kurt Schüler discusses the effects that the new EU Packaging Regulation will have on the packaging industry.

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06/2024: Nicolas Cayé presents contents of the AVU packaging monitor

At the AVU orientation day, GVM project manager Nicolas Cayé presented key contents of the AVU’s new packaging monitor.

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11/2023: More greenhouse gas emissions through less plastic packaging

The IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen published a study by GVM and ifeu. The study concludes that plastic packaging is particularly resource-efficient compared to other packaging materials. This highlights a fundamental conflict of objectives: it will be difficult to reduce the amount of plastic packaging while at the same time meeting the greenhouse gas emission targets of […]

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