Recyclability of Plastic Packaging

Project Example

The customer

The survey is conducted as a subcontractor for Prognos AG on behalf of BKV GmbH.

The challenge

The survey is created in context of a draft for a new German Packaging Act (VerpackG). Section 21 aims to create incentives to increase the recyclability of packaging by revising the participation fees in the dual system. This raises the question of what percentage of plastic packaging currently being brought into the market can already be recycled and how much potential there is for optimization through eco-design and recycling-friendly packaging design.

The solution

Based on interviews and desk research, suitable criteria for the description of plastic packaging recyclability are defined. Consequently, GVM determines the share of nowadays plastic packaging that already fulfills these requirements for recyclability. In a subsequent scenario analysis, we calculate the amount of plastic packaging that could be redesigned to become more recycling-friendly without negatively impacting the main packaging functions. Finally, the results are evaluated and reflected with regards to the targets for the recycling rate indicated in the draft.

The result

The report determines opportunities and barriers for recycling plastic packaging. The customer receives an in-depth analysis, based on which he/ she can have discussions with politicians and stakeholders using concrete data and facts.