RePack Network. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Sustainable Food Packaging: Networking and Transfer Measure for Plastic Reduction
Food is often packaged in plastics that are used only briefly and are rarely reused or recycled. In addition to the significant consumption of resources, the environment is also burdened by macro- or microplastics. Therefore, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) supports innovations that help to package food more sustainably and reduce plastics along the value chain. In the RePack network, five research institutions, led by the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), are accompanying, supporting, and evaluating twelve innovation projects under this funding initiative. In these projects, universities and research institutions are working together with companies to develop new manufacturing processes, innovative materials, packaging with higher recycling content, or reusable packaging. As part of the „Networking and Transfer Measure for Plastic Reduction“, the focus is on exploring how existing sustainable packaging concepts can be expanded. The aim is to consolidate the results for different target groups and foster exchange between the projects: To achieve this, cluster and thematic workshops, as well as conferences, are designed and organized, where the projects can network with each other and with the interested professional audience. A website and social media presence, along with a regular newsletter, provide updates on the progress of the projects and offer insights into the innovations. Based on the results of the funded projects, overarching recommendations for action are derived for politics, business, civil society, and consumers.
RePack-Netzwork News: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Sustainable Food Packaging
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The task of the GVM within the “Networking and Transfer Measure for Plastic Reduction” is to provide content-related support for the projects developing packaging innovations for the food industry, which are funded by the BMEL. The GVM can draw on many years of experience in packaging market research. Based on this expertise, we evaluate the innovation projects in relation to various aspects, such as the market size, and support the projects through qualitative and quantitative studies. Building on this, we examine the design and implementation of the funding measure, its results, and their feasibility, and provide further recommendations for action. Methodologically, the data-driven evaluation follows a mix of database analysis, individual and group interviews, and supplementary desk research.